About Paul
Paul Lefebvre is a successful entrepreneur, community leader and father who cares deeply about Sudbury, Northern Ontario and Canada, and is dedicated to helping families in our community and growing our local economy.
Elected Member of Parliament for Sudbury in 2015, Paul Lefebvre was appointed the Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Natural Resources in 2018. As such, he represented Canada at the G20 in Japan in June 2019.
As Sudbury’s voice in Ottawa, Paul sat on the Public Accounts, Official Languages, and the Natural Resources Standing Committees. As MP for Sudbury, Paul brought historic investments totalling more than $500 million to Greater Sudbury and more than 1,000 public sector jobs to our community.
Paul is an accomplished tax lawyer, business owner and community leader in Northern Ontario. The proud son of a unionized welder and social worker, Paul has a demonstrated passion for improving his community. He is past chair of the Sudbury Community Foundation, past chair of the 2011 Canadian Francophone games, and past Vice-President of l’Association de la presse francophone. A music enthusiast, he is also a founder and past chair of the Jazz Sudbury Festival.
He is married to Dr. Lyne Giroux, a dermatologist, and together they have three children.
Both before and after I left the MP’s office, I heard loud and clear that Greater Sudbury needs and wants experienced leadership and a strong vision for the future. I worked hard to put Sudbury back on the map in Ottawa, and now I want to continue that work at Tom Davies Square. I want to bring the experience, the leadership skills, the connections and the vision to move Sudbury forward and fulfill its full potential.
As mayor, I will work to make Greater Sudbury a place that people will be excited and proud to live. To guide me I will make decisions with the following five fundamentals in mind.
1. Lead With Purpose
- I will foster consensus and strategic decision making on Council. I will lead with integrity and accountability.
- I will empower the administrative public service to make innovative proposals and build a culture where the City is a partner with the community and not a road block.
- I will review and follow existing plans that have been invested in and can provide expert guidance.
- I will connect people from across the communities and across sectors to find solutions
- I will implement a social procurement policy that allow us to incorporate clear community values into our decision making so that all decisions are made within the bigger picture of what is good for Greater Sudbury.
2. Promote, Attract, Innovate
- As Mayor, I will be Sudbury’s Brand Ambassador here in our community, and more importantly as I promote Sudbury across Ontario and across Canada.
- I will be a champion for our Green Economy and repair our reputation so that businesses, professionals, and families choose Sudbury to build their lives.
- I will build on my existing relationships within the Provincial and Federal government to ensure that investments are made here to bring the services and amenities that the community wants and needs.
- I will create conditions that make it easier for business to start up in Sudbury and help businesses to grow.
- I will ensure investment in existing and new infrastructure is sustainable and balances the wants that will make Sudbury a destination of choice, and the needs to make services reliable.
3. Environmental Responsibility
- Council made a declaration in 2019 that we are in a climate emergency, and that we need to take urgent action on reducing the harms caused by a changing climate. I support the commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.
- I will develop clear timelines for following through on the targets and actions outlined in the City’s existing Community Energy and Emissions Plan, including developing and applying a climate lens for decision-making.
- I will advocate for greater use of green infrastructure and investment in alternative energy to meet our community’s needs.
- I will Incorporate sustainable development goals and principles to protect green space, urban forests, and wetlands in the City.
4. Support and Empower Citizens
- I know that there are community leaders who can best lead us in serving our most vulnerable populations. I will look to them to bring solutions forward and help to connect us as a community to ensure a collaborative approach to solving the community’s drug and homelessness crisis.
- I will empower communities to be a part of the decision making process for the issues that matter to them.
- I will support a range of housing development and seek out innovative solutions to the housing affordability crisis in our community. I will ensure there are solutions that serve everyone on the housing spectrum, from emergency housing, to affordable rental housing, to first time homebuyers, and market homeownership.
- I will support youth and seniors to ensure they are included in our community in a way that meets their needs
5. Foster a Livable City
- I will work with council to ensure that Greater Sudbury provides the foundation for a high quality of life for residents across all Wards and in every community.
- I will champion our city’s arts and culture sector, including investigating additional funding to individuals and organizations in creative sectors and cultural industries.
- I will support comprehensive active transportation planning to make our city safe for all modes of transportation.
- I will champion the maintenance and creation of recreational trails throughout the city. This may be guided by community input to create a Trails Master Plan.